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Price Matching Guarantee

  • Product Pricing.  Our website is intended to help you.  We make every effort to maintain current, accurate prices in our online catalog.  We strive for similar accuracy and timeliness with the other information we offer here.  However, inventory or pricing errors may occur, and we reserve the right to decline or cancel any returns or orders where mistakes or discrepancies in price or stock status exist regardless of the source of the error.  We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience such mistakes may create. 
  • Price Matching.  We price match with our online suppliers and other authorized retailers.  When a supplier or other retailers runs a sale, we run the same sale and if we don't know about it, let us know and we will price match the item!  Due to the variety of products imitations on Amazon, we do not price match with Amazon or Amazon third-party retailers.

Please bring any errors you find to our attention on your next visit or by calling/texting us at 724.266.1111 or emailing us at  

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